Employment Positions

Pastor–Heights Baptist Church, Temple, TX -


Contact Info

Heights Baptist Church in Temple, Texas is seeking recommendations and resumes for a senior pastor.
Heights has been stalwart in missions and ministry for 75 years in the heart of Temple, which is a
uniquely diverse city located on I-35 in central Texas. Although challenged by changing demographics,
Heights continues to serve our Lord through community outreach, ministries like Celebrate Recovery
and mission trips here and abroad. We anticipate the man who God leads to be our pastor will be a well-
compensated co-vocational pastor with the desire and vision for this to become a full-time pastorate.
Resumes should be sent to: hbc.pastorsearch1220@gmail.com or Chairman, Pastor Search Committee,
Heights Baptist Church, 1220 S. 49 th St., Temple, TX 76579.