Missions Development Team
Does someone in your congregation feel called to start a new church? Does your church want to support and encourage a new church or mission?
The Waco Regional Baptist Association participates in starting new churches in partnership with member churches, affiliated organizations, and the Baptist General Convention of Texas. It is the desire of the WRBA to provide comprehensive and competent care for all new churches in the Waco region. This begins with the discovery of new opportunities for church planting and includes helping the new churches to incorporate and become viable, healthy churches. It is also our express desire that all of the new congregations become fully integrated into the life of the Waco Regional Baptist Association and that they begin new congregations within their first five years. Our church starting efforts are naturally focused on the Waco region, but not necessarily limited to this region. As God leads His churches to begin new churches around Texas and even internationally, we hope that our partnership will make these new church starts more effective and viable to the glory of God. Other services offered by our Missions Development Team are:
- Demographic research for targeted areas.
- Consulting about Church Business issues including incorporation, bylaws, policies, insurance, and property management.
Does your church have an active involvement with the surrounding neighborhood?
The Missions Development Team helps churches look at their community’s demographics and needs during a process called Discover! During this project teams talk with area leaders, conduct surveys and research the local demographics to help churches learn more about how the church can serve their neighbors.
Click HERE for a printable brochure.
For more information, please email admin@wacobaptists.org.